This site area will allow you to make a contribution to the street ministry. By donating you become a partner in ministry with us in the work God has called upon us to do.
Your weekly or monthly support helps us stay on the streets reaching the lost for Jesus. Your donations are greatly needed, and appreciated.

                                                                   Click on the "Donations" button to begin making your contribution.

                                                      Street Ministers (Missionaries) Seeking Ministry Partners 
                                                                             3rd John 5-8 
                           be helpers to the truth as we go out in search of that one lost sheep.
Did you know that forigners are now coming here as missionaries to America? We have met several of them right here in Charlotte NC. and the surrounding areas. Missionaries are most often thought of as a religious group that leave America, family, and friends to foreign countries to teach the gospel. Although this is what most missionaries do is leave their country, family, church, and friends and go to another country to share the gospel. This is not what all missionaries do. America has a great need especially today for those that are willing to do the work of a missionary right here in our own neighborhoods. In our own back yards. Missionaries cannot be stereotyped, they each have a call. God calls them to set aside personal ambitions in order to be witnesses of the Gospel. Like Isaiah, a missionary gladly responds, "Here am I. Send me!" (Isaiah 6:8). Often God sends a missionary to a particular people group as Paul was sent to the unreached Gentiles and Peter to the Jews (Galatians 2:8). Although technically a Christian missionary is one specifically called by God and sent out by the local church, every Christian has a mission to make disciples.
We are not really orphans but, adoption is a beautiful word that helps describe the strong relationship that we are seeking between our family, churches and friends that will pray for and partner with us. The church at Antioch, in a sense, adopted Paul and Barnabas as special messengers of the Gospel to Asia and Europe (Acts 13:1-3). We are hoping to have the same relationship with those who partner with us as we take the message of the gospel to the people and places where God instructs us to go. 
                                          How and Why you should Partner with and Adopt ONE WAY MINISTRIES?

Much of the effectiveness of adopting a missionary truly depends on you taking the time to know the family or individual you are adopting in this case it is "us." If you adopt a small child, you do not just assume you know all you need to know and then head down some predetermined path. So, as with a child, we are seeking people to be involved in our lives and ministry through prayer, communication, and material support.

Prayer: Augustine said, "Without God, we cannot; but without us, God will not." Prayer is the life blood of missions and we covet it!!! I tell you, nothing is more humbling and encouraging than when someone tells us they have been praying for us.

Encourage and Communicate: Being on the front lines is often like being on another planet. We feel completely disconnected from the church, friends, and family we leave behind. Therefore, we are seeking people who are willing to become our family and as we travel to different areas to spread the gospel.

Material Support: You might be surprised, but most missionaries receive the majority of their monthly financial support from individuals and not from churches it is the same with us. We really depend on individuals to adopt and support us financially. The average amount individuals give missionaries is usually between $25 and $50 per month. Currently, we are short about $2000/mo. (only 40 people at $50/mo.) in order for us to remain on the streets full time. Therefore, we are seeking people to prayerfully consider financially and prayerfully supporting the gospel message by going out to those that are not in a church on a monthly basis on top of their normal tithes to their church.

Adopt A Missionary Info: For more information on effectively adopting, and partnering with us in prayer, in communication, and in financial support, as well as other ways to support the work God has called us to do you can contact Evangelist Roberson of One Way Ministries and speak with him personally @ 704-605-6551.
We encourage everyone we meet to prayerfully consider partnering with us to take the gospel to those on the streets that need to hear the gospel. We hope that you will discover that adopting us as your missionary family can be a very rewarding experience. It will open your life and the life of your family to a world that is completely unseen in your present context. You will gain a new perspective of your world, the world outside and learn what God is doing while you become more directly involved in reaching the lost for Jesus Christ
Thank you, and God bless you.

One Way Ministries is not a part of any denominational organization, and we do not receive any mission funds from such organizations. This ministry operates by the "Love Offerings" received and the generosity of individual giving. God bless you, and thank you for your contributuion.